Home & Decor

Cosy Minimalism – Make Your Home Your Favourite Place to Be

Deciding what furniture and home accessories to buy is something that shouldn’t be done on an impulse. It is definitely a decision you need to sleep on. The obvious reason for that is because furniture is expensive, so you wouldn’t want risk ending up with something you won’t like in a year or so. Another reason is that the place where we spend most of our time can influence our mood and overall comfort. We want to be able to enjoy our living space, love how it looks and to sink into the layers of comfort while relaxing after work or on the weekends. And since most of us cannot redecorate on a whim, we need to be sure of what we are buying and consider it an investment. In other words, decorating is not something to be done lightly.

Recently, the home decorating styles that are most popular are the minimalist and Scandinavian style. What these two have in common is that they both value quality over quantity, making any space more serene and decluttered. Here are some tips on how to combine these styles when decorating your home.


Have Less, but Quality Items

What’s the point of having a lot of furniture and decorations if they aren’t designed well? Furniture is not something you should skimp out on. Not that price determines quality, but if you want your furniture to last, you need something that is made from quality and durable materials. We all know the importance of sustainability and reducing the number of resources we waste. It doesn’t make any economic sense to get something that will deteriorate in a short while. High quality and modern designed furniture is a must when furnishing a home.

Having fewer items will also make your home look and feel more spacious. Plus, it is easier to clean up when you don’t have a lot of knick-knacks scattered about. And without a lot of cupboards and shelves, you won’t feel the need to fill them up with ornaments, decorations and magazines.

Having a tidy and clutter-free home can also help you relax a bit more. It is believed that a messy home can make you more stressful and frustrated in your living space. And if you have a tidy and organized home, you will have a bigger motive to keep it that way. When every object has its own place, you won’t have to worry about misplacing stuff and getting frustrated when you can’t find them. By owning only practical pieces of furniture and décor pieces that you enjoy, you will love everything about your home and feel more comfortable and relaxed there.


Keep Your Furniture Simple

Minimalism doesn’t only apply to the number of items you have. It also refers to how those items are styled. So, when it comes to buying bigger pieces of furniture that are a staple for any home, you need to tone down the colors and patterns. A polka dot couch might seem fascinating the first time you see it, however, you may easily get bored of the look or even grow to hate it.

This is why you should stick to simply designed furniture that is both elegant and comfortable. Think a sofa and an armchair with a delicate pattern in colors that match and don’t stand out much. Pastel colors are perfect for this. They are soothing and calming to the eye, yet not as boring as mixing only two tones.

Besides making sure the colors aren’t too loud, you should also make sure that your furniture’s style and design will easily blend in your room and not stick out like a sore thumb. Entertaining units, coffee tables, side tables, cupboards etc., don’t need to be the center of attention in the room. Bulky and bright pieces of furniture make it hard to appreciate home decorations such as wall art, vases, and decorative bowls.

Add Unique Homeware to Spice Things Up

To make up for the fact that your home won’t have a lot of items, you need to make sure that those that you do have are unique and eye-catching. And luckily, there is a variety of contemporarily designed furniture to choose from! A great example that comes to mind is shelving units. You can find some interestingly designed ones made from wood or a combination of wood and metal. Some designer shelving units have an asymmetrical design which makes them even more interesting to look at.

Another item that comes to mind is uniquely shaped vases in a subtle yet interesting hue. Get something that would stand out on your monochromatic coffee table. Let’s not forget the difference that contemporary wall art can make in terms of home décor! Make sure it is strategically placed where you can best appreciate it without other items obstructing the view.

And let’s not forget about comfortable, yet decoratively designed furniture such as ottomans, rugs, blankets and pillows. In a room with beige sofas, a pink, green, or even red ottoman can add that much-needed final touch of color. The same can be achieved with a soft colorful rug underneath that oak coffee table.

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