Food & Drink, Health & Beauty, Sports

Nutrition Trends: The Secret Behind Superfoods

There is no denying that superfoods are a trending topic all over the world at the moment; they are mentioned in nearly every blog, every supermarket, and nearly everywhere we look. So what’s so great about them anyway? Well, there isn’t a single superfood that can do unseen wonders, but they will do certain things for you. So let’s start by going over some of the most recommended and popular superfoods available on the market today.


Matcha tea has recently become one of the most sought-after superfoods and it’s no wonder why, it gives you an amazing boost of energy and it helps you relieve stress and get rid of excess fat. Manuka honey is another great superfood that has been popular for a long time. It has amazing anti bacterial properties and it can kill bacteria in your stomach. Bee pollen is another great up-and-comer and it actually has more protein than any animal source and is filled with amino acids.

Linseed and almonds have a detoxifying effect on the body while goji berries will make your skin glow. Aloe Vera is an oldie but a goodie that makes your skin look hydrated from the inside out. Papaya is another long time favourite fruit that is said to help people going through cancer therapy. Pumpkin seeds contain great amounts of magnesium and zinc and can help with deficiency. Royal jelly is another popular superfood which can lower blood pressure and has also shown to have antibiotic properties. This list really could goes on and on forever; there are so many superfoods that claim so many benefits. You should try the ones that you think will help you with areas you need a bit of a boost in.


While superfoods can help you reach your dietary needs every day, they cannot replace whole meals or make something that was bad for you in the first place healthy. Therefore, you need to ensure a healthy diet based on eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you eat a sugary cereal in the morning and decide to put goji berries in it, know this does not make it healthy. You should replace the bad parts of your diet too if you want to take full advantage of the benefits superfoods offer. Another thing you should take into consideration when it comes to health foods is that most of them are not available fresh so do no substitute anything fresh for superfoods alone. Also, aside from eating healthy, you should also lead a healthy, active lifestyle to really take care of yourself.

The most asked question is always is it worth it? The answer is yes and no, just like any food too much of a good thing can be bad for you. If you eat a small amount of red meat it can be good for your iron and protein intake, eat too much and it can be bad for you cholesterol. Same is true for superfoods. So switch it up and eat them in moderation, balance is the key.


Superfoods are especially beneficial to vegans and vegetarians so if you are on this kind of diet, make sure to look for ones that can help you get your daily dose of minerals and vitamins. While they can also be quite pricey, think of all the long term benefits you will have, investing in your health really shouldn’t be something to think about. You can find a great range of superfoods in superfood stores, and even in supermarkets, if you can’t find a great variety there, you can also shop for superfoods online.

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